The struggles of not finding the solution

For Programming Fundamentals we had to make a project, but I was stuck!

So we had to make code to make graphs etc... In the beginning it was fairly easy, but as the code began to grow bigger and bigger, it became way more difficult to deal with. Luckily I worked a little organised, so I still knew what variables did what and how I used them. The difficult things were finding solutions to making the graphs in different ways.

Tobey Maguire crying after not finding a solution

After crying for a couple of hours, I finally found a solution to the problem and was finally able to finish the project. I have to say, programming can a pain in the *ss sometimes, but finding a solution after trying so many things gives you a feeling of pure joy.

A solution

After that I published the project to be graded, and now I'm eagerly waiting for my grades in hopes of getting a good grade...